A group of scientists spearheaded by the Center for Biological Diversity delivered a 14-page complaint against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for failing to protect the “critical habitats” of 13 endangered species in Oregon, New Mexico, and California, among others.
The complaint alleges that political corruption influenced the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decisions to allot only 10 percent of the proposed 4.1 million plus acres to just over 450,000 acres. The Service cited economic concerns that expanding the Californian Red-Legged Frog’s habitat would harm industry in the area. However, the Center for Biological Diversity – a group of scientists, attorneys and other professionals that pursue conservation through legal and political avenues – contends that former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior Julie Macdonald manipulated and coerced scientists to give data and approve the decisions that resulted in drastic reductions in the Service’s protection of critical habitats. Macdonald has since resigned from her position and her decisions are under investigation by the Inspector General.
“Habitat loss is the number one killer of endangered species. These species won’t survive unless we protect their habitat,” said Michael Senatore, senior counsel at the Center for Biological Diversity.