Although it’s much more than a city of the super rich and ultra skinny, Santa Barbara is synonymous with style, wealth, and glamour. As a friend of mine said when visiting from Texas, “Can we please go to Money-cito for lunch?” She’d heard about it all the way from the outskirts of Houston.
In Europe, where I’m from, it’s all about fashion or “fare la bella figura,” as the Italians say, which loosely translates to “looking your best.” I know Europeans who would gladly take out a second mortgage on their house just so they could wear the latest and greatest in Prada. (Of course, they wouldn’t have to, seeing that they’re all still living at home with their parents at age 30!!!)
This addiction to fashion extends to Santa Barbara too, where people know the importance of being en vogue, and many of us relish the opportunity to cruise State Street in high heels and a brand new outfit. It’s not unusual to see femme-fatale-like behavior at this daily Santa Barbara fashion show, where some will draw blood for a front-row seat and a prime swag bag. While this may not be New York or Paris, the notion is clear: We want to look good, feel great, and ooze sophistication.