The Beach Glass

The Beach Glass: Few things pair with warm summer sand and salty sea spray better than a cool glass of white or pink wine, and nothing tastes quite so wondrous as a savory glass of red wine while starting out at a brisk winter sunset. But until now, you could never put that glass down in such a setting, for fear of immediate tipping and buzz-killing spillage.
Enter the Beach Glass, a plastic vessel of familiar shape and size poised (perhaps a bit precariously) atop a large but not too pointy spike that slides effortlessly into the sand (or, with a little more effort, into the lawn beneath your picnic spread). Simple in design yet ground-breaking (literally) in effect, the Beach Glass is perhaps the most head-turning and useful wine gadget of the year — at least for those of us who live right between the sun-soaked shoreline and world-class wine country. Every Santa Barbaran must own at least one.