Eggs ‘Rose’ @ D’Angelo Bread

Upgrade Your Brunch with Poached Eggs on Artichoke Toast

Thu Mar 08, 2018 | 12:00am
Carina Ost

Long before avocado toast was “the thing” and #putaneggonit was a hashtag, D’Angelo was serving up one of the best breakfast items in Santa Barbara. The Eggs “Rose” is an upgrade on both concepts, employing superior components the whole way through.

While avocados are creamy and rich, they are just one note of taste for a spread on bread. Artichokes, on the other hand, are much more sophisticated and complex. This edible thistle makes you work to get to the heart of it, and once you do, it’s so worth it. The payoff part is meaty and delicate, with a subtly sweet aftertaste. What they do at D’Angelo with the heart is blend it into their own special Mediterranean artichoke spread with a velvety consistency and lemony notes that perfectly enhance the natural artichoke flavor.

That concoction coats their freshly baked bread, but rather than a simple slice, the version they pair this with is a sourdough variety pierced with Kalamata olives. The bejeweled bread adds some salt-and-sour tang for a full symphony of flavors.

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