The Grinch features a vivid, modern adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ 1957 tale, punched up with delightful rap and sugary tunes. Benedict Cumberbatch plays this woefully uninspired Grinch, a slouch who refuses to even budge an inch. Luckily, Cindy Lou Who (Cameron Seely) offsets his funk with her gang of friends, who share her bent for adventure and spunk. This Whoville Christmas is three times larger — all too wholesome for a creature whose heart is “two sizes” smaller. You certainly can’t trade this new Grinch for its 1966 animated predecessor, but it’s a cinematic sight to behold. Small children will certainly delight in this charming, holiday film, and adults will appreciate its visual trills.
‘The Grinch’ 2.0
Original Version Best, But New One a Sight to Behold