Protective Gear Donations Accepted Around the County

Foodbank and County of Santa Barbara Collaborate to Collect PPE for First Responders.

Medical masks

Tue Mar 31, 2020 | 10:13am

Six more locations around the county are open now to receive personal protective equipment donated by the community.

In tandem with Foodbank, the County of Santa Barbara is sponsoring the drive to provide doctors and nurses with the face masks, gloves, surgical gowns, and other supplies they need to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Only materials in their sealed, original packaging are being accepted.

The types of protective gear needed are:

Donation locations and hours are:

Santa Maria United Boys & Girls Club — Evans Park, 200 W. Williams St.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

At the Santa Barbara Independent, our staff continues to cover every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Support the important work we do by making a direct contribution.

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