Reader Testimonial: Marge Cafarelli

I moved to Santa Barbara in the late ’70s. I can remember when the Independent was founded in ’86 and when it moved offices to Victoria Court next to an architectural firm I would frequent with my employer at the time, Ray Klein. The Independent has been my go-to resource for all things S.B., and you can always find a copy in our home.
Your reporting is consistently well-researched and in-depth, and that makes the Independent a trusted news source. Your community stories and support of local businesses make you a trusted business partner of the Santa Barbara Public Market (SBPM) as well.
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, trucks would pull up to the Market with four big stacks of your paper, where our guests knew they could rely on getting their weekly Independent when they walked in the door. When I saw that we had to replenish those stacks the very next morning, I knew I could count on the power of your paper’s advertising for our business. You deliver results. And the SBPM has been excited to partner with you on events such as the Backyard Brunch, which drew hundreds of people to taste the best of Santa Barbara chefs and restaurants.