An Unfair and Forced Choice
Objections to Cannabis Retail at Santa Claus Lane
I don’t know why no one seems to see why this “forced choice” between Summerland and Santa Claus Lane as locations for a cannabis retail outlet is unfair. It arises only because both of the larger adjacent communities, Carpinteria and Montecito, have their own independent governance structures which can speak with more voice and create zoning regulations that forbid cannabis operations. So when the South County looks for a site, it focuses on the weak, less influential “communities.”
The only oversight/governance structure we can appeal to is one person, Mr. Das Williams. In my opinion, and it seems the S.B. Grand Jury agrees, he has already decided he is “all in” for the cannabis industry without regard to the impact on our community. So, we are effectively locked out of the kind of self-governance efforts made by the communities of Carpinteria and Montecito. It’s a shame!
Given that we are caught in this “vise,” and assuming, despite Barney Melekian’s answer to Mark Brickley, that one retail outlet will be allowed in the Montecito, Summerland, Toro Canyon, Carpinteria area, I want to strongly urge that it be allowed in Summerland rather than Santa Claus Lane. I hate to be forced to choose at all, and know my friends in Summerland will (and should!) push back. But surely the “Scorecard” must make it the top priority to have the smallest impact on the community. It’s almost a simple law of physics that a given change will have a smaller effect on a smaller location.
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