Jeff Bridges Creates Signature, Sustainably Sourced Guitar
Royalties from Instrument Sales Help Amazon Conservation

Jeff Bridges has been an A-list actor since his turn as Duane Jackson in 1971’s The Last Picture Show, but it wasn’t until he played washed-up country singer/songwriter Otis “Bad” Blake in 2009’s Crazy Heart that audiences worldwide were fully introduced to his musical prowess.
Now, his lifelong passion for music has resulted in the creation of the Jeff Bridges signature guitar from Breedlove. Combing his love of music and the environment, the longtime Santa Barbara resident has collaborated with the sustainably minded guitar makers to create the Oregon model designs flagship instrument. The guitar is created from only sustainable woods and has Bridges’s motto “All in this Together” inlaid on the fretboard.
The collaboration between Bridges and Breedlove not only resulted in a gorgeous acoustic guitar but also confirms the actor/musician’s belief that “we can build beautiful instruments to make beautiful music that will resonate for all time, and preserve the trees, the lungs of our planet, which temper our climate, replenish our fresh water, and provide shelter for our wildlife.”