Our New Style Specialist: Christine Cowles
New Real Estate Column Will Explore Home Styles, Decorating, and Staging for Sales

Our New Style Specialist
Upon launching more than five years ago, the Independent’s real estate section became a place where experts in design, efficiency, and all things home could share their insights with the greater Santa Barbara community. This week’s paper introduces a brand-new column in this collection: The Style Specialist, by Christine Cowles, who runs the company Styled & Staged Santa Barbara. (See styledandstagedsb.com.) She’ll be writing about home styling tips, exploring decorating trends, and offering advice on how to prepare homes for sale.
How did you come into this work? Originally from Houston, I’ve been in Santa Barbara for 20 years and was drawn to the outdoor lifestyle here. My background is in graphic design, event planning, and fundraising, and I spent most of my time in S.B. working for nonprofits. I started staging homes in 2016 to pursue my passion for design and helping homeowners move into the next phase of their lives.