Will the Vaccination Protect from Getting the Delta Variant?

If you have been fully vaccinated, you have taken the best step possible to protect yourself, your friends, family and co-workers from getting the virus and the Delta variant. The vaccinations are very safe and are recommended for those aged 12 and older. Also, you will not be responsible for spreading the virus or the variant once you are vaccinated.
While the vaccines are effective, they are not 100%, and there have been rare cases of vaccinated individuals getting the virus. What’s important to know is that if you have had the vaccine and you get the virus, your case will be mild and won’t land you in the hospital.
Like all viruses, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, constantly changes through mutation. These mutations create different versions of the virus, called “variants.” Sometimes, a mutation will result in the virus spreading more easily, such as with the Delta variant that we are seeing right now.
This can make people sicker or making it resistant to treatment or vaccines. Variants with these types of mutations are of great concern to us because they are much more contagious and spreading fast among the unvaccinated.
To best protect yourself right now we recommend:
- Avoiding crowds
- Limiting your travel
- Wearing a mask indoors in public spaces
- Work together to convince those that are unvaccinated to get vaccinated
Vaccines are available across Santa Barbara County and free to everyone, regardless of immigration status. Many vaccination sites take walk-ins, or you can choose to make an appointment.
- Visit https://publichealthsbc.org/vaccine/ to find a location near you.
- Visit https://www.vaccines.gov/ for additional locations
- Information is also available in many languages 24/7 by calling 2-1-1.
- TEXT: GETVAX (438829) for English or VACUNA (822862) for Spanish
Stay Connected:County Public Health: www.PublicHealthSBC.org, Twitter and Facebook
County of Santa Barbara: www.CountyofSB.org,Twitter, Facebook
County Call Center: (833) 688-5551Recorded Information Line: (805) 681-4373Community Wellness Team Information and Referral Line: (805) 364-2750Behavioral Wellness Crisis Line: (888) 868-1649