Salud: Biden Right on Afghan Policy, Wrong on Pullout Deadline

Rep. Carbajal Also Says He Won’t Endorse Cathy Murillo in Santa Barbara Mayor’s Race

Rep. Salud Carbajal

Thu Aug 26, 2021 | 09:33am

This article was originally posted on Newsmakers with Jerry Roberts.

UPDATE 8/27: Rep. Salud Carbajal’s interview with Newsmakers took place before Thursday morning’s attack outside Kabul airport, which killed 13 service members and injured dozens. In response to the attack, Carbajal released the following statement on Thursday:

“I fully condemn the outrageous attack outside the Kabul airport this morning. My heart goes out to the loved ones of the service members who were killed in the heinous attack and I join the American people in mourning this tragic loss of life.

“As I have stated before, I believe the decision to end our longest war and withdraw our troops from Afghanistan was the right one. I remain committed to supporting the mission at hand, which is to evacuate the American citizens and Afghan allies in the safest way possible while minimizing risk to service members and civilians.

“Since the end of July, over 100,000 people have been evacuated from Afghanistan. We still have a mission to complete and that is what should guide our timeline for withdrawal.

“As a veteran, I know how families feel when their loved ones are called to duty. My thoughts remain with the service members who gave the ultimate sacrifice, the injured, and their families. I thank all those in the military, diplomatic, humanitarian, and intelligence communities for their patriotism.”

The original story follows.

In the understatement of the year, Rep. Salud Carbajal on Wednesday said that the Biden Administration “could have done a better execution of the withdrawal” from Afghanistan.

The third-term Democratic member from the 24th Congressional District said in a Newsmakers interview that he strongly agrees with President Biden’s overall policy in pulling all remaining troops out of the country, but offered a guarded negative review of how the withdrawal has been handled.

Carbajal’s comments, his most extensive to date on the fiasco in Afghanistan, come at a time when there is widespread national and global outrage and anger over the volatile and violent scenes still playing out at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, as tens of thousands of people seek to flee the Taliban which. with startling swiftness, took control of the country as the government and military the U.S. propped up for two decades collapsed within a few weeks..

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Carbajal said he has objected in writing to the Administration’s hardline insistence on maintaining a deadline of August 31 as misguided, a position aligned with NATO allies, including Britain and France.

“What should guide our withdrawal date is not an arbitrary date, but the ability to get out all the Americans that need to get out, and all those partners and Afghanis that helped us during our mission in Afghanistan,” he said, expressing “grave concern that that deadline could cause a less than orderly, swift and complete evacuation of all Americans and other Afghanis who need to leave.”

“There’s going to be Monday night quarterbacking on what’s transpired — should we have done something better or different,” Carbajal added. “I think this Administration certainly could have done a better execution of the withdrawal.”

The House representative for Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties, however, rejected the argument that the U.S. should have left a small force in the country to ensure some level of stability. He applauded not only Biden, but also — surprisingly — former President Donald Trump for pursuing a correct policy.

“At the end of the day it’s about ending a presence in Afghanistan that went beyond the mission that we started 20 years ago to address the threat of Al-Qaeda and to deal with Isis,” he said. “Eventually, it became the United States being there supporting a government in their civil war, and costing the lives of many American men and women that were serving there.

“So I agree with, believe it or not, the previous Administration and the current Administration that we needed to get out. I think the issue is could we have done it a little more effectively,.” he said.

Carabajal spoke to us from his district office, shortly after returning to Santa Barbara from Washington, where Speaker Nancy Pelosi a few days ago summoned the House back into session during a recess to resolve a high-stakes dispute over the fate of some $4.5 trillion in spending that had been blocked by conflict between moderate and left-wing Democrats.

I just got in at (noon) to the Santa Barbara Airport,” he said. “I got up at 4 a.m. in Washington so I could be with you.”


In the interview Carbajal also :

Check out our interview with Rep. Salud Carbajal via YouTube below, or by clicking through this link. The podcast version is here.

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