Paddling to Survive
How a Santa Barbara Man Emerged From a
Shark Attack and Personal Loss In One Piece
By Rolf Geyling | October 27, 2022

“Have you ever seen any sharks?”
I’ve only lied a few times. I can usually deflect the question or give a truthfully vague response, but sometimes only a lie can save me — and spare the asker an answer that’s probably more than they bargained for.
It’s a reasonable question, as I’m known as the guy who steps on his paddleboard and disappears out into the Pacific most mornings. My story may not be the well-kept secret I think it is, but enough time has passed — which has allowed me to sort through all that life threw at me in a confounding sequence — that I’m going public: I was attacked by a shark. Not an accidental bump or nudge, but a direct strike with open jaws, froth, and fury.
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