If you find yourself privy to contemplating “the stuff that makes us emotional humans as we inhabit moments of stasis and transition,” as UCSB’s faculty dance choreographer Christina McCarthy states, journey to the UCSB’s Hatlen Theater December 1-3. In doing so, enjoy the UCSB Department of Theater and Dance’s latest dance concert, Within Existence | Existence Within — an exploration of a myriad of themes underneath the humanist umbrella.
Not only does Within Existence | Existence Within include a generous array of movement pieces throughout the performance, but it also includes choreography from faculty members McCarthy and Christina Sanchez, as well as from five UCSB senior dancers.
As the concert director, McCarthy describes the process of mentorship that took place when aiding the senior dancer’s choreographing processes as, “I offer lots of ideas as a smorgasbord with the hope that something I say will spark a new and interesting way for them to solve the puzzle of making a dance…. Often, college choreographers find interest in analysis of how they fit into the world and the quest for self realization…. This comes out in their art and each time it does, it is so unique to the person creating the dance.”