Carla & Rollo
Here are two gorgeous velveteen lop sisters. Their fur is indescribably soft, and they are the most social, friendly, busy pair we have at the shelter. Here is the catch — they are young and, like toddlers of the human species, they’re “into everything!” So if you want to be endlessly entertained and exercised trying to keep up with their fearless explorations and adventures, then this is the pair for you!
Mr. Fuzz
This good-sized male Guinea pig has the most luxurious, swirly, cream and white coat. He is by nature relaxed and easy to handle. Mr. Fuzz is also quite confident that he is worthy of love, snuggles, veggies, and treats. Someone will be very lucky when they take Mr. Fuzz home with them!
Come see Carla & Rollo, Mr. Fuzz, and many other cuties at BUNS: 5474 Overpass Rd. in Goleta, M-F from 2 to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 12 to 4 p.m., or by appointment. Visit, call (805) 683-0521, or email for more info.