Santa Barbara Plans $1.58 Billion Worth of Projects over Next Five Years
City’s Capital Improvement Program Includes $775 Million in Funded Projects, $800 Million Unfunded
The City of Santa Barbara is planning on spending $1.58 billion over the next five years through the Capital Improvement Program, which includes projects for the Airport, Fire, Library, Parks and Recreation, Police, Public Works, and Waterfront Departments from 2024 through 2028.
Capital projects are large-scale improvements costing more than $100,000 and expected to last at least five years, which can include parks, buildings, streets, bike paths, bridges, or other facilities.
On Tuesday, the Santa Barbara City Council unanimously accepted the upcoming five-year Capital Improvement Program, which outlines the city’s projects in order to plan for future funding. Over the next five years, the city has $775 million in projects that have funding lined up, and $805 million in projects that are still unfunded at this time.