2022 CNPA California Journalism Awards

We are proud to announce that we have won awards for our 2022 stories, front covers, layouts, and newsletters from the California Newspaper Publishers Association (CNPA).
First Place:
Writing: “Paddling to Survive” by Rolf Geyling
Illustration: “Caught in the Rental Crunch,” illustrated by Ben Ciccati
Newsletter: Full Belly Files by Matt Kettmann
Second Place:
Breaking News: “Santa Barbara Astronomer Bags a Black Hole” by Tyler Hayden
Writing (Digital Division): The Backstory: “What’s Behind UCSB’s Wall of Silence?” by Tyler Hayden
Front Page Layout & Design: “Santa Barbara’s Century Man,” “Sex and Violence and the Supremes,” and “Charley Crockett’s Neo-Classic Country Hits the Town,” designed by Ava Talehakimi and Xavier Pereyra
Inside Page Layout: “Paddling to Survive,” designed by Jinhee Hwang
Informational Graphic: “Caught in the Rental Crunch,” designed by Xavier Pereyra