Dave Anderson became homeless after suffering a bike accident.
| Credit: Paul Wellman
Reflecting the findings of a statewide report issued last week showing that a substantial percentage of people experiencing homelessness fall on the elderly side of the demographic spectrum, statistics for Santa Barbara County indicate that between June 1, 2022, and May 30, 2023, 535 people receiving homeless services were 60 years old or older. If people 50-60 are added to the equation — 593 — that would bring the total elderly population to 1,128. That’s out of a total of 3,234 individuals receiving services.
“So over one-third are over 50,” stated Kimberlee Albers, the county’s homeless czar.
According to Albers, the county has one person older than 90 receiving such services. She said 15 clients are ages 80-89, 102 are 70-79, and 417 are 60-69.
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