Environmental Defense Center Hosts Green & Blue Fundraiser
Honoree Patagonia CEO Ryan Gellert Does Q&A with Leah Stokes
On June 11, the Environmental Defense Center (EDC), a nonprofit environmental law firm, hosted a delightful annual Green & Blue at Rancho La Patera. The event drew more than 600 supporters and raised more than 15 percent of EDC’s annual budget.
After the extended reception, guests were seated under an open-air tent and welcomed by Chief Counsel Linda Krop. She introduced EDC’s new executive director, Alex Katz, praising his expertise in environmental justice, environmental protection, and climate justice.
Krop shared the great news that earlier in the week, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a motion from the oil industry to overturn a ban against fracking from platforms off our coast, a ban that EDC had fought hard for. Krop explained how fracking, to get at the really hard, thick oil, uses incredibly toxic chemicals that pose a tremendous risk to wildlife and human health and uses a huge amount of energy.