July 1 – July 31 1 Month. 10 Breweries. 13 Locations.
Indy Hops is back again! Join us for Santa Barbara’s month-long beer crawl hosted by the Santa Barbara Independent.
How it Works:
– From July 1 – July 31, visit all participating breweries and order a pint (or two!) – When you order, get your Indy Hops Passport stamped – Collect all the stamps throughout the month – Bring your completed passport to our Indy Hops Passport Drop Party on Monday, July 31 from 5-7pm at Validation Ale to be entered to win gift cards from the participating breweries.
Download your Indy Hops Passport, pick it up at a participating brewery, or tear it out of the June 29 issue of the Santa Barbara Independent.
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