Santa Barbara Band Director Named Grammy Music Educator Award Quarterfinalist
Michael Kiyoi Receives Grammy Nod

Being a teacher always has its challenges, which COVID-19 has only exacerbated. Teachers are leaving the profession in droves, students are behind academically and socially, and mental health concerns are still rising.
Now, more than ever, it is important to celebrate all teachers, especially those who are pushing their students toward success — and the bounds of education. The Recording Academy and Grammy Museum has a Music Educator Award for just that, and Santa Barbara’s own Michael Kiyoi recently made the 2024 quarterfinals.
Kiyoi, the instrumental music director at San Marcos High School, was chosen last month as one of 212 quarter finalists from more than 2,000 nominations. To advance to the next stage, nominees are asked to submit three videos of their teaching, reflections, and tips. It was quite an involved process, but luckily, Eric Isaacs of EMI Photography who volunteered his talents.