Ryan Graves, a former U.S. Navy fighter jet pilot and founder of a nonprofit focused on unidentified anomalous phenomena sightings, testified during a House Oversight Committee hearing on July 26 about receiving reports of a strange object hovering over Vandenberg Air Force Base in 2003. | Credit: C-SPAN

Reports of a huge, hovering red square above Vandenberg Air Force Base in northern Santa Barbara County were shared at a House of Representatives panel’s hearing on unidentified flying objects last Wednesday, July 26. 

For the last five years, the United States has been slowly leaking bits of information about UFOs, or unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) as they call them. The Indy reported in 2019 that there has been an overall “uptick of interaction with aerial phenomenon” since 2014, according to a spokesperson for naval operations. 

The football-field-sized flying object at Vandenberg was spotted in 2003, according to testimony during the hearing held by the House Oversight Committee’s national security subcommittee.


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