‘The Independent’s Ink at MOXI’s After Party

This past Saturday, some of our Indy staff went to party it up at MOXI’s 21+ After Party. They played games, had some delicious drinks, and enjoyed the beautiful rooftop view of Santa Barbara while listening to some music. To add to our fun, we also brought some Mad-Lib-inspired fill in the blanks with us!
And those of you who came to the table did not disappoint! We had hilarious results like Jane Fonda presenting a bowling ball, boomers willing to offer a small portion of their rubber ducks to matadors, and the academy being aware of certain spots having “something down under.”
Others found they would need the combined efforts of Chevy Chase, the FBI, and Haley’s Comet! Some people’s “press hats” helped them find that the city was drooling, or jumping to meet the bazinga of its residents. At least we can rest easy knowing that Santa Barbara doesn’t have a slugs problem.