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Democrats: Focus on Biden's Achievements, Not His Age

'On Messaging' by Dave Whamond, Canada, PoliticalCartoons.com

Mon Sep 11, 2023 | 05:20pm

Polls are not infallible. Just ask Hillary Clinton. In 2016, Hillary Clinton from Day 1 led Donald Trump to the day of the election.

We all know what happened.

It’s worth mentioning that fact when we look at a poll that came out on September 4 that showed President Joe Biden and Trump dead even at 46 percent each for preference of who should be the next president in 2025. There are many aspects that go into polling, and one or two polls don’t necessarily point to a trend. Yet, that said, it’s remarkable that Biden is tied with a guy who has 91 indictments against him.

The underlying worry of this poll is this. About half the country thinks Trump is still presidential material, which is beyond the pale.

And about half of the country would vote for Biden but worries he is too old. The narrative to keep Trump out of the White House has to change. Ironically it must start with the Democrats.

Another poll found that 73 percent of Democrats believe Joe Biden is too old and shouldn’t run again. This is not only a fallacy, but it is dangerous to our democracy. A second Trump presidency would damage this country’s democratic system in ways that are likely to be permanent or at the very least take generations to fix.

What is astounding is that President Joe Biden, without a majority in the House, has passed major legislation more than any president in the last 50 years. From infrastructure, to a modest gun reform, to the just passed lowering of prescription drug prices, Biden has worked seemingly under the radar to be a very effective leader.

In addition, Biden has stood up to a hostile land-grabbing Russia in its war with Ukraine thereby reinvigorating NATO and our allies. It demonstrates a strong foreign policy that Republicans use to care about.

In combination with his domestic achievements, Democrats should be assertively touting Biden’s service to the country, and not focusing on his age.

Alas, Democrats are fickle. They are a fussy lot. Biden is not an exciting orator like Barack Obama. Yet, Biden in his first term has actually passed more legislation.

Biden could be classified as boring. Does the country need the “drama” of a lawless Trump?

Moreover, Biden does have moments when he looks like a man in his eighties. Tell me. Where it is a proven fact that a younger president is a guarantee of receiving innovative policy and the political savvy to get it passed?

It may be trite, but it is definitely true: 2024 is a crossroads for our democracy. The Republican Party seems willing to run a criminally charged candidate, exclusively to hold power in a nation that for the first time in its history less than three years ago experienced a violent attempt to overthrow the newly elected government.

If Biden fails to be re-elected, the sad truth will be that Democrats — like in 2016 — wrung their hands instead of using those hands to vote.

What will come next will make Biden’s age concern a ripple in a vast sea of calamity.

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