State of the County: Newsom Robs Peter to Pay Paul
Santa Barbara County Executive Officer Warns Governor’s $6.8 Billion Bond Measure to House Mentally Ill Homeless People Could Strip Millions of Dollars from County Mental-Health Programs

In a State of the County conference held last Friday evening at the Bacara, Santa Barbara County Executive Officer Mona Miyasato warned those assembled that a $6.8 billion bond measure pushed hard by Governor Gavin Newsom to provide housing for homeless people struggling with mental illness could have seriously adverse impacts on existing mental-health programs.
If the governor’s package were passed today, the county would see a 58 percent reduction in core treatment, crisis service, and outreach services now provided by the county’s Department of Behavioral Wellness. Translated into real dollars, that’s a drop of $28 million to $35 million for existing county services.
Early this March, Newsom unveiled a programmatic one-two punch to address the issue of housing for the state’s mentally ill homeless population. Part of that involves the $6.8 billion bond measure he unveiled to underwrite the cost of much-needed housing. The other part involves a redirection of funding that now comes from a one percent tax on millionaires that state voters approved in 2004.