Changes Are Being Considered to Multi-unit Housing Standards, and We Want to Hear from You!

Contact Details:
Phone: 805-564-5470 x74582
Website: View Website
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**Events may have been canceled or postponed. Please contact the venue to confirm the event.
Date & Time
Wed, Apr 24 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Address (map)
40 East Anapamu
Faulkner Gallery - Santa Barbara Central Library
Average Unit-Size Density Incentive Program Amendments Workshop on April 24, 2019
The City’s Average Unit-Size Density Incentive Program (AUD Program) was adopted in 2013 to provide for development of new multi-unit housing. The AUD Program bases the number of units on unit size, with more units available for smaller average unit sizes. Additionally, the AUD Program includes incentives related to parking, setbacks, and open space to further encourage development of multi-unit housing.
Proposed Amendments include:
• Allowing for additional housing units and other residential development incentives in Downtown.
• Revising boundaries of the Medium High Density, High Density, and Priority Housing Overlay land use designations.
• Potential changes to parking requirements.
Upcoming Public Workshop
The City staff will be giving a presentation and seeking input from the public. You are invited to attend this workshop.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
5:30 P.M.
Faulkner Gallery
Santa Barbara Public Library
40 East Anapamu Street
This work effort is being conducted by the Planning Division of the Community Development Department. Additional information and background material can be found at For questions, contact Jessica Metzger, AICP, at AUD@SantaBarbaraCA.Gov or (805) 564-5470 ext. 4582.