Mary Ann Garibay
Date of Birth
February 5, 1955Date of Death
December 5, 2019Age at Death
64City of Death
Santa BarbaraIt is with great sorrow to announce that Mary Ann Garibay passed away peacefully on December 5th, 2019 at Sarah House in Santa Barbara. In memory of Mary Ann, a Rosary will be at Holy Cross Church, 1740 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, on Thursday, December 26th at 7:30 pm. Funeral mass will be held at Holy Cross on Friday, December 27th at 10:00 am followed by a service at Calvary Cemetery, 199 Hope Avenue, Santa Barbara. Mary Ann’s family is very appreciative of the Sarah House Family, that they request any desired memorial donations be made to the Sarah house in Mary Ann’s honor. Sarah House Santa Barbara-2612 Modoc Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105.