The Buzz Is off the Bud in Santa Barbara Cannabis By Nick Welsh The county’s cannabis industry generates $10 million less than projected.
Another Santa Barbara County Cannabis Appeal Falls Short with Coastal Commission Cannabis By Ryan P. Cruz Commissioner Meagan Harmon says there are “obvious issues at the county level that must be addressed.”
Growing Dollar Signs Instead of Marijuana Buds in Santa Barbara County Cannabis By Richelle Boyd The Board of Supervisors requires cannabis growers to pay timely quarterly taxes or lose their licenses.
Amid Pot Glut on the Market, Santa Barbara Supes Back Stiffer Tax Penalties Cannabis By Melinda Burns
Mixed Messages: County Sues a Carpinteria Valley Cannabis Grower, Then Okays a Permit Cannabis By Melinda Burns
Carpinteria Citizens’ Group Seeks State Audit of County’s Cannabis Regulations Cannabis By Melinda Burns
Santa Barbara County Projects $10.5 Million Shortfall in Cannabis Tax Revenue Cannabis By Melinda Burns
Get a Whiff of This: How Some Carpinterians Learned to Sniff Pot for Science Cannabis By Melinda Burns