View 47 Paintings of Endangered Animals’ Eyes

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Phone: (415) 676-7689
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Date & Time
Sat, Dec 03 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Address (map)
1331 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Venue (website)
Thomas Reynolds Gallery
What happens when the award-winning screenwriter of Edward Scissorhands Caroline Thompson teams up with celebrated master oil painter Nancy Taliaferro to draw attention to the plight of endangered animals? The EYE AM ART Initiative. Together, Thompson and Taliaferro have created almost 50 paintings of the eyes of endangered animals and those falling victim to factory farming.
Help us save endangered animals and the delicate ecosystems in which they live. Experience the soulful, jewel-like oil paintings of the eyes of endangered animals: asian elephant, the bonobo, the dromedary camel, the snowy owl, the bottlenose dolphin and 40+ more…. Endorsed by the World Wildlife Fund and others.