Capturing the Cave Fire’s Path of Destruction in Santa Barbara
Firefighters are fighting a fire that erupted on top of the El Camino Cielo Ridge Monday around 4 p.m. and is continuing to spread rapidly.
Firefighters are fighting a fire that erupted on top of the El Camino Cielo Ridge Monday around 4 p.m. and is continuing to spread rapidly.
Santa Barbara joined the first day of a week-long climate strike, led by students at Santa Barbara High School and City College.
Pacific Pride Festival 2019 at Palm Chase Park.
The French Fête celebrates Bastille Day.
Lights for Liberty Vigil draws crowd of 500.
Rally held at courthouse to protest inhumane treatment of children at border.
Here are some highlights of this year’s revelries.
Indivisible Santa Barbara put on an “impeach Trump” rally on Saturday, June 15.
The Italian Street Painting Festival brought thousands to the Santa Barbara Mission over the Memorial Day weekend.
The Tuesday afternoon rally responded to abortion bans across the country.